He was all alone. They took him to the rescue facility, where he is currently secure. In the spring of 2017, while …

When a visitor from Arbroath saw the distraught animal while driving along the shore at Nigg Bay in the Scottish Highlands, she …

Unfortunately, dogs don’t live as long as people do, though some are fortunate to have good, long lives. When a dog approaches …

The footballer who rescued the loving dog after he interrupted a soccer match in Bolivia has decided to adopt him. A dog …

Maverick was in a kill shelter with nothing but skin and bones when Joey Maxwell and his wife first encountered him. Mav …

Hearing about people going above and beyond to help animals in need is always heartwarming. A bicycle went above and above to …

Most people prefer to stay indoors when a street is flooded. But for Bo, getting on his boogie board and paddling across …

Little Red Riding Hood is a well-known story that is read all over the world. For those of you who don’t know, …

Many dogs have a singular favorite toy, a unique plaything to which they are emotionally attached and prefer to everything else. These …

Five years ago, a very special and unusual guest began regularly visiting Gerardo Ortiz’s Peruvian restaurant Ajilalo. A hungry, homeless dog who …

Worldwide attention has been drawn to a mother’s post regarding her adoptive son and the death of a pet. After receiving some …

Dogs are not different from human. Both feel pain and get hurt. Imagine a human being is chained for years. What will …

Bella, a dog in a shelter, had a very difficult life. The sad dog lived the majority of her life in a …

For stray animals, life can be extremely difficult. They must find their own food and drink, and they are entirely exposed to …

Five-year-old pit bulls Romeo and Damian were rescued together. The poor puppies were found by the Nassau County SPCA starving, dehydrated, and …

The bear cub had traveled quite a distance to arrive at this point. Since Tamarack, an abandoned bear cub, escaped from a …

In Wilcox, Arizona, a young brown bear found himself in a very “hair-raising” position when he got trapped up a utility pole. …

We can only imagine that Patrick Hennesy was eager to go home and warm up in bed as quickly as possible as …

Animal fostering has always been Lauren Maners’ passion, but when she got ready to give birth to her daughter Kylie, she made …

American chainsaw artist and woodcarver Jeffrey Michael Samudosky has been using a variety of Pacific Northwest trees to carve stunning works of …

A young orca has been welcomed into an endangered orca pod off the coast of British Columbia. A 38-year-old orca named Princess …