
After Saving Him From A Fire, A Firefighter Finds A Foster Home For A Stray Puppy

Firefighters rescuing people in need have been featured in many stories. Fire departments are always there to save the day, whether it be by rescuing animals from icy waters or tense logjams.

However, there are times when firefighters go above and beyond what is required of them to ensure that these animals arrive at their bases and have a safe place to stay.

That was the situation recently when a kind-hearted firefighter offered a puppy a foster home after saving him from a fire.

The little dog was found by Sacramento Fire Department personnel after they responded to a garbage fire, according to CBS Sacramento.

Sacramento Fire Department said on their Instagram “While responding to a fire underneath eastbound I-80 just west of Norwood Avenue, Sacramento firefighters found a small puppy.The puppy didn’t have a name tag. So, animal control will be taking the puppy to Front Street Animal Shelter – City of Sacramento.In the meantime, we need your help to try to figure out a name for this puppy.Despite having some burns from the fire, the pup was still alive.”

According to firefighter Mike Thawley, “He had a lot more burned plastic on top of his fur region on top of his face (and on) top of his head.” He has a small amount of burnt skin on his back leg.

The fire brigade not only managed to save the dog from the blaze, but they also made sure he had a comfortable place to recover.

The captain of the department called Thawley to ask whether he would be prepared to take the dog in as a foster. The firefighter, who has experience nurturing saved animals, agreed.

Photo Credits – Sacramento Fire Department

Currently, Thawley is caring for the dog in his home while Front Street Animal Shelter works to place him in a forever home.

Now that the dog is in a loving environment, he is recovering and beginning to open up to his foster family.

According to Thawley, “He perked up enough good when we gave him water, a bath, and some food.” When we began to remove some of the plastic, History’s personality began to emerge. He began tail-wagging, following us around, and biting.

Photo Credits – Sacramento Fire Department

Five years ago, the firefighter adopted Chunk, a pit bull who had been abandoned, chained to a hedge, and was infected with mange. Chunk eventually became his pet, according to him.

Although the final destination of this fire-rescued puppy is unknown, it is safe to assume he is in good hands while waiting to find his forever home.

Photo Credits – Sacramento Fire Department

The Sacramento Fire Department requested the public’s assistance in coming up with a suitable name for the puppy in a Facebook post about the unnamed puppy. Some potential names include “Lucky,” “Scrappy,” and “Sparky.”

We’re very happy that this dog is in a secure place with a caring foster family. I appreciate the firefighter’s extra effort in helping this puppy.

Also Read : Meet Sarge, A Loving German Shepherd Who Enjoys Taking Care Of Orphaned Fawns


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