
The Military Dog Who Is Ready To Say Goodbye To His Owner – Tearful Farewell!

Saying goodbye to a loved one is not an easy task. It causes more pain. It is a moment where we recall all our memories that are bound with loved ones.

How do you feel about saying farewell to your loved one?

Of course, we are sure that you knew the pain of that moment. Then could you imagine how a dog faces that?

Then read more! Be with us!

This is a story of a doggy in the China Army who chases his best friend for one last hug goodbye.

“Da Mao” is the four-leg partner in this story. His master is “Jia Chuan.” Da Mao is a three-year-old doggy and belongs to the breed of the golden retriever. He has served in the Army alongside his human soldier for the last two years.

image Credits : Androdass

The Chinese Army has a rule that when an army officer retires, he has to hand over his trained doggy to the Army. This is an exciting moment. Leaving their canine friends is a bit difficult for both.

Jia Chuan and his partner Da Mao also are at this moment. The time came for Jia Chuan’s retirement. So, Jia Chuan is ready to retire from Military life. So, he has to say goodbye to Da Mao. What a hard time for them!

Often, dogs can feel things are going to happen soon. So, Da Mao sensed the time had arrived to say goodbye to his master. He got into the master’s body and wrapped its arm around him for a few seconds. His eyes are full of tears; his heartbeat is increasing, and he is trying to express what he feels at that moment.

Jia Chuan worked for eight years in the China Army and trained this doggy for the last two years. Both became too attached and best friends.

image Credits : Androdass

Dad, wait for a second- I am coming!

Da Mao does not allow his master to leave. Doggy pulls from Chuan’s leg and bags and kisses him. He is trying to say, “Daddy, please don’t leave me; bring me with you!” Mao refused to let go of Chuan. This is a reality all military officers and their pets are facing each day. When the right time comes, they have to separate from each other whether it is hard for them or not.

The main thing we are seeing is that officers have a family to survive with them; they can forget their pain once they mingle with their family. But this does not happen for trained pets in the Army. They have to mingle with new owners even though it is hard for them. It takes a long time. This is not fair. Why can they not send their pets with them? Where is humanity?

The new master also came for farewell time, but Da Mao jumped into Jia’s arms and wrapped his paws around him. Then the hug the two shared was enough to warm hearts worldwide! It is a heart-touching moment. Daddy, you are making me cry!

In the end, both said goodbye to their incredible bond over the years. Now the only thing they have is their memories.

image Credits : Androdass

Da Mao holds Chuan’s hand with his paws.

Da Mao is unlike other dogs; he sacrificed his life to the Army to save his country. We are sure Da Mao’s new partner will be just as good to him as Jia was. This doggy is a very good boy, after all!

Memories and bonds are never changed. Daddy, you were my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.

If the relationship is too strong and your best friend is also a hero, saying goodbye is not easier.

image Credits : Androdass

Heart touching moment captured by Photographer and shared thousands of times.

Our pets can make us happier all the time. They help us get out of stress. Every moment gives strong and lovely memories.

Military life is different from civilians. They do not have freedom like us; everywhere, they have rules and regulations to follow. They have to separate from their loved ones for a long time. So, having doggies like Da Mao may give them better days. But not for all soldiers, but few of them are lucky enough.

You know what? Bonds between two-legged and four-legged heroes are entirely unbreakable. The end of this story may touch your heart more profoundly than the beginning.

Also Read : The Story Is About A Doggy Who Goes To His Previous Owner’s Grave!


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