Little Dog Taken From Meat Truck Awaited Her “Human Angel” At The Airport
Lil dog was taken from a meat truck and waited for her “human angel” at the airport.
The three-legged dog traveled halfway around the globe and awaited the arrival of her “guardian angel” at the airport.
Dog meat production is still a booming business in China. Outside, farmers and butchers continue to operate even in the provinces where it is forbidden. The conditions in which dogs are kept are horrible. Thank goodness, there are organizations like Slaughterhouse Survivors working hard to save as many puppies as they can.

When Pearl was discovered in a meat cart, she had lost one of her legs and had scabies on her skin.
Little negative ladies desire scholarly attention just as much as they want affection. Although Pearl’s rescuers have not yet decided if she can succeed, they are still hopeful for her. Unexpectedly, Pearl made it through.
The various pups nearby were also inspired by her bravery and determination! Pearl was prepared to board a plane to the US two months after leaving the meat cart to meet her new foster mother. They are transported by Road Dogs and Rescue.
Photo Credits; The Dodo Adoption Day
Leah, Pearl’s adoptive mother, welcomed her with open arms at the airport. Their connection used to be instant. Next, Pearl was prepared to meet her foster siblings. She was persuaded right away.
That dog just got it! Pearl might want to play for a while when they first meet, and Leah witnesses her acting aggressively. She feels uneasy because of her three legs and average hips.
Reviewing the adoption application is the next step. Ashley distinguishes out for being so practical. She is a female veterinarian as well. A volunteer showed up to transport Pearl from California back to the East Coast. It had always been difficult to say goodbye, but Leah was confident that Pearl was prepared to meet her new mother.
The three dogs, including Pearl, got the avenue’s overtime underway. She is such a chill and laid-back dog that she spends as much time in the car as she does with her new friend while they are in a hotel room.
They finally made it to Cheryl’s Allentown, Pennsylvania, house a few days later. Ashley arrived at her newest member’s home via car from New York. Pearl was unaware of the enthusiasm felt by everyone at beginning a new life.
Photo Credits: The Dodo Adoption Day
She will, however, soon discover herself! Pearl is a beautiful creature, according to Cheryl in the video that is presented below, and she deserves to live as comfortably as possible. She is very energetic!
As soon as Ashley got to Cheryl’s house, they were able to hold Pearl in their arms and act as if they had always intended to establish a family. It’s time to compel her to drive back to New York by getting her into the car. Despite the fact that Pearl is a world-class traveler, it is now time for her to return to her normal family life and begin her new existence.
Photo Credits: The Dodo Adoption Day
Upon entering the apartment, Ashley allowed Pearl some time to change. She followed by introducing Janet, Pearl’s new sister. The two puppies exchanged greetings and did the customary dog sniffing. As soon as they met, Pearl settled in right away. She even remembered which mattress had once been hers and nodded off immediately.
Ashley is planning to attend Pearl’s rehabilitation center with her to explore whether a prosthetic leg could make moving around more comfortable.
It’s amazing how this little dog, who was once used as meat, went from being close to death to enjoying a lovely life halfway around the world. These kinds of stories prove that animals make the best soldiers. The video below lets you see Pearl’s complete adoption adventure!
Also Read : A Sad Dog Walks 125 Miles With Tears: Owner Abandoned Her
Please keep updated on her outcome Pearl would be so nice to see her with her new prostecthic leg you are awesome! Love it 😍
Just wonderful! Dogs are sooo awesome and smart. I have a little mini Dachshund who’s blind in one eye and barely sees out of the other. I just love that little guy. What a blessing. The breeder was going to put him down but we were able to take him home… Right place at the right time! Thank you Lord for my dog . And for all your blessings You bestow upon me. Amen. Thank you for your story you are truly blessed. God bless you and your little ones!!!
Oh, yes. I would appreciate a step by step Followup about prosthesis for Pearl.
One year and nine months ago I rescued a pregnant Moma Dog with an injury to her left front wrist. It is estimated she is today 9+ yrs old. Today she tires so easily. She is overweight at 102+ lbs, from lack of exercise, likely hypothyroidism, & return of heart worms. She, like Pearl, is very laid back even tempered. She has weathered heart worm treatment, & continues the heart worm preventative. We want to continue spoiling her & give her the best for her health, wellness, & comfort.
Pearl’s story inspires, us.
I thought this was about the ww11 veteran Lawrence Brooks not a dog
As a kid, I saw dogs butchered in Mountain Province Philippines. It always tore me up and made me so glad when my German Shepard greeted me at home.
Hello my Mary Rizzo in near future I would like to learn how to operated a organization like yours helping dogs animals to a better life after some type of guideline you could send me thank you so much Mary
Dogs are special, just like people. They are great rewards for people!!! Love you
Very awesome ending God bless all who rescue n save fur baby’s n just don’t put em down over a leg.heros n angels in my eyes.
Powerful empowerment,thank you
I’d LOVE to regularly donate to REAL people who help glasses these doglets from that abhorrent trade, I thought one was, but found out he was fake and even mistreated them all in the name of fame and fortune. Who REALLY rescues these doglets, because I really want to donate on a regular basis to their aim…RESCUING THESE INNOCENT EMPATHIC DOGS FROM THE STOMACHS OF THE UNHUMAN.❤️
I loved the puppy but the owner is
Responsible training the manner to
Conduct but is amazing companion.
I loving !.
Cynthia Giron
You are all true HEROES! Pearl is a beautiful Angel and i’m so glad she was rescued. It breaks my heart to know that people in other countries actually butcher and eat dogs! It makes me extremely angry to know the suffering they go through. I wish there was a way to make that cruelty to stop! Love you Pearl enjoy your beautiful life! You truly deserve it! ❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️
Autism ..and Pain ..I can feel Pearls walk.