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A 900-Pound Animal Becomes Stuck In The Mud, And A Woman Clings To Her Horse For Three Hours

A 900-Pound Animal Becomes Stuck In The Mud, And A Woman Clings To Her Horse For Three Hours

As the tide was coming in, Miss Graham and her horse were both trapped up to their waists in the muck.                                                                Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Astro, her 18-year-old show horse, is comforted by Nicole Graham in a desperate attempt to free him from coastal muck.Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Astro was stuck hard, and Miss Graham’s attempts to free him only made her fall farther into the mire. Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Astro, age 18, unexpectedly fell into the mud when Miss Graham and her daughter were riding along the shore south of Melbourne’s Geelong.

Her daughter, Paris’s smaller horse, was also largely submerged by the mud before she could yell a warning.

Miss Graham pulled her daughter and the other horse onto the firmer ground after she had torn herself through the mud.

Her attempts to rescue Astro, however, just made her fall more into the mud because Astro remained stuck firmly.

In an effort to get Astro out safely, veterinarian Stacey Sullivan is getting ready to anesthetize him. Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Tidal terror: The courageous mother tries to calm the horse as rescuers figure out way to free the creature. Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Miss Graham expressed her sadness at witnessing her horse’s exhaustion and struggle.
Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Miss Graham stuck by her horse’s side as Paris hurried to their car and dialed for assistance. She bravely clung to his neck out of fear that the tide would swallow him if he was not rescued.

Rescue workers were finally able to rescue Astro and Miss Graham from the muck after three “terrifying” hours.


The Geelong Advertiser was told by Miss Graham, owner of more than ten horses and operator of an equine dentistry practice, how a tranquil afternoon ride had turned terrifying.

It was frightening, she claimed. Another sad sight was watching my horse struggle and wear down.

The crew is battling to release the horse as the water is seen growing closer to him.
Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Rescuers are scrambling to find a method to rescue the trapped horse as time is rapidly running out for him. Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

A farmer’s tractor is used to help drag Astro out of the muck.
Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

We immediately fell below. Every time I moved, the mud drew me back in. There was mud everywhere. It would not allow us to go.

She went back to Astro after making sure her daughter and her horse were secure, hoping that help would arrive before the tide swept the horse away.

“I haven’t had a drama in my 20 years of riding here,” she continued. I didn’t know it was so muddy because I’d never seen any signs or warnings.

I felt so glad when I noticed the rescue truck’s dust. I felt like I was about to collapse.

It was similar to quicksand, according to fire lieutenant Roger Buckle, one of a group of volunteers.

The veterinarian team and a local farmer who offered a tractor helped the fire departments. A winch and hoses were utilized by the firemen. However, neither piece of apparatus was effective.

Astro is taken free of the mud while sedated and fatigued, and to the relief of the rescuers, he collapses on the ground.
Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Vet Stacey Sullivan helps Astro in standing up as the sedative’s effects fade off.
Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

In a last-ditch effort to rescue Astro from the mud, a nearby chopper was put on alert.

Together, everyone worked to save people. Astro, who had been chained up by veterinarian Stacey Sullivan, was dragged from the mud with the help of the farmer’s tractor with only a few moments left before the water reached him.

Lieut. Buckle said, “It was a race with the waves, and happily, we won.” He applauded everyone’s efforts, notably Miss Sullivan’s, whose work sedated Astro, making it simpler to free him.

Astro, according to Miss Sullivan, was dehydrated but handled it nicely.


Many horses don’t survive, and in her opinion, the chances of survival would have been far lower if the owner hadn’t been present.

Immediately following the incident, Astro and Miss Graham are guided to safety. The veterinarian stated that without the owner’s efforts, the horse might not have survived.

Miss Graham drives her horses away from the shore after the harrowing rescue.
Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Astro and Miss Graham are guided to safety following the incident. According to the veterinarian, the horse might not have survived if it weren’t for the efforts of his owner.
Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Also read : https://oliviral.com/firefighters-save-a-dog-tossed-into-a-dam-by-its-owners-and-help-it-find-a-new-home/


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  1. What an incredible human being to save this beloved horse. I’m so grateful to hear this heartwarming story. Thank yoi for sharing. Blessings to all involved in this rescue 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

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