Missing 5-Years-Old Boy With Down Syndrome Protected By His Lovely Four-Legged Partner!
Dogs are loyal friends or loyal partners to us. Many of us are dog lovers, and we have domestic dogs. Our canines love us more than we expected. Always they try to protect us. Their world is their owner, and they think they must defend their masters.
This article is about the relationship between a dog and a boy with down syndrome. This doggy is the protector and friend of this boy. The dog is named Alejandro. The owners of Alejandro brought him at his young age to their home. From that day to today, the dog grew with them. They have a son who is suffering from Down Syndrome. Alejandro is the best friend of this little boy.
Pets and kids have so many beautiful stories everywhere. Most in European countries, dogs are the parents of kids, meaning that dogs are closer to kids and give protection anytime.
There are many stories about dogs who saved kids’ lives.
Here we will share the article about the dog, Alejandro, who protected his lovely friends at the time of missing home.
One day people saw a little boy walking along the train track, and a dog followed him by staying closer to him. Immediately people in that area who showed that informed the Houston Police Department. Immediately after several phone calls, officers went to that site to check what was happening. They also observed a little boy with a dog. The German cowgirl, named Alejandro, protected this boy when he wandered away from home.
Then they went closer to a boy and asked about what had happened. They wonder how this doggy protects this boy, Jose. Officers never felt Jose suffering from Down syndrome when they talked with Jose. He looks like an average child.

Jose came out from home on Saturday morning. After showing it, his angel doggy also started to follow him. This news spread on social media that day, and many commented about this incident. Click on the link below to see comments on Twitter accounts. https://t.co/JFuv9YLrrg
The police station received a phone call on the same day about a missing baby. Luckily that was Jose’s mother, Jasmine Martinez. So it was easier for officers to find the parents of this lost boy, Jose. No matter how busy you are, we must pay more attention to our children, especially if they suffer from bad health conditions.
Officers treated him well until he met his parents. An amazing thing was the dog never let him out of sight until his parents came to the police station, where he did his job better. This is the true love and loyalty to Jose from his lovely friend angle dog. Salas said that when they got into the taxi to the Police Station, the German cowgirl, Alejandro, sat near Jose. This shows his love for Alejandro and his way of doing his duty excellently.
Thank God! The boy was fine and had no injuries. Parents arrived at the Police Station to pick up their son, but They were not surprised because they said their dog always takes care of the baby when he is in peril. Those words show how much they trust Alejandro.
image credits twitter: RickySalas_
Purely dogs or your pets understand how important our children are to us. So, pet lovers know adopting a pet is worth it to them. Will you believe this statement?
What a fantastic dog Alejandro is! The road was fully busy with vehicles and people, but this dog did excellent service in protecting his friend without any mistakes. If you train your doggy well, they will be a safe, fun, and furry friend for your child to play with and grow. Make sure whether your dogs are healthy or not. As parents, it is your responsibility to save your children from pet diseases.
In today’s life, we can hear stories of missing children being found by dogs. Dogs can be an excellent addition to a family because they build strong bonds with children, help little ones learn empathy, responsibility, and compassion, and boost physical and mental wellbeing.
Also Read: Story Of A Lady Who Traveled Daily To See Homeless Dogs!