The Story Is About A Doggy Who Goes To His Previous Owner’s Grave!

This is the story of a dog who loved its owner unconditionally. Whether domestic or rescue dogs, these four legs are highly recommended to make first-class friends. The reason is that dogs are loyal and have more sense of everything than we expect.

Four legs can take us to a different world for a while. No matter what age you are, to be a dog lover.
Only dog lovers know the worth of spending time with dogs and puppies.
Cesur is the dog who plays a prominent role in this story. Cesur was adopted under Mehmet, who was the first owner of this doggy.

Mehmet got paralyzed with time due to his unconditional health. Then he adopted a little doggy to escape from feeling alone and a regular life pattern. We know the feeling of these types of patients. Dogs are the better treatment for our sick minds.

When he searched for a puppy, he found Cesur.

Cesur loves his master very much, and Mehmet did love back the same. When he spent time with Cesur, he would not feel alone and was able to get off from his boring life. Cesur is the loyal doggy who always tries to keep his master happy.

Cesur was a good painkiller to him at the end of the day.

Their relationship was so strong. But unfortunately, Mehmet got hospitalized due to a poor health condition. Cesur felt so sad for his master. As you all know, animals can sense more things that will happen in the future soon. Like that, Cesur also felt terrible.

A few minutes later, Mehmet passed away, and Cesur was alone. Oh! How sad!. No one can bear the pain of your loved one’s death. We can open our mouths and cry loudly to express our pains. But do you think dogs can do it? Yes! They can do more than us, but we could not be able to determine that pain. Dogs cannot convert their pains to words just like humans.

Some animals died, became sick, aggressive, and stayed alone after passing away from their lovely owners. We hope you also met such a type of dog or any other animals.

Like that, Cesur also suffered. After getting to know of his owner’s death, he cried. Cesur waited near Mehmet’s bier. His head used to be low. Their eyes were filled with tears. He was releasing a slight sound and getting a deep breath. His soul breaks with his master’s death.

This lovely pup sat beside Mehmet’s bier on the day of the funeral. Where you can see it in the below picture, look at how he expresses his love.

image credits: androdass

People who attended the funeral tried to cheer him up, but he refused. He tried to remain the same. Mehmet’s son Ali stated that no person who attended the funeral should contact Cesur. It is the time to release his pain by himself because Cesur only knows how he felt at that moment.

The time has arrived for the farewell to his master. Mehmet’s body was buried in Cemetery while Cesur was watching over it.

Poor Pup! For sure, Cesur felt the need to bring back Mehmet.

After the death of Mehmet, his son Ali became the owner of Cesur. Cesur is doing all he must do for Ali, same as Mehmet.

image credits: androdass

Cesur used to go to Mehmet’s grave daily in the morning. One day Ali found out about Cesur’s secret, walking out of home every day. He was shocked. His heart was broken after seeing this incident. He observed it, and he knew Cesur was going to the cemetery to see his Father’s grave. This is the absolute love of Cesur on Mehmet.

image credits: androdass

Believe us, the loyalty of dogs can not be determined. Feeding dogs only once will remember you forever; where you need them, they will be there.

You can see true love and loyal promises of four-legged friends.

We can write many stories about loyalty and genuine love of dogs.

Dogs are a fantastic gift made by nature.

This story is so good and has an excellent message for us. It is our responsibility to understand it.

Be loyal. Do love truly. Protect the promises you have made. Be a trustworthy partner, just like Cesur. Do good for others. Be honest with yourself first. Try to be a kind-hearted person. Love your pets and protect them.

Also Read : Story About A Dog Who Fights With Cancer And Wait To See Her Dad Before Her Last Breath!

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