A Photographer Spent 117 Hours In The Dangerous Cold To Get These Amazing Shots [ Incredible Photos Inside ]
Polar bears initially appear from their caves with their 4 month old babies between the middle of February and the middle of March every year, marking a significant event in the Wapusk National Park in Canada.
When the Cubs took their first steps last year, wildlife photographer Daisy Gilardini made the decision to go on the lookout for images of them. It was roughly 122°F (-50 °C) outside when Daisy spent 13 days in the park and 117 hours waiting in front of the cave. Even just imagining it gives me the chills!

Photo Credits: Daisy Gilardini/(www.daisygilardini.com)
Gilardini has received praise from all over the world for this picture she took in Manitoba’s Wapusk National Park. “The cold weather makes it difficult to take pictures of these polar bears. When it reaches those temperatures, your camera will freeze, your batteries will run out, and even if it does operate, you won’t be able to check the settings because tiny crystals form all over it “she explained.
Mother, child relationships are always special.
Photo Credits: Daisy Gilardini/(www.daisygilardini.com)
“However, I realized I had something exceptional as soon as I shot this picture. Everyone may identify with the mother’s calm attitude and sense of tenderness.” It is a great honor, according to Gilardini, to capture images of polar bears in Canada.
Looks like she saw me. Awww, Will i get caught?
Photo Credits: Daisy Gilardini/(www.daisygilardini.com)
The potential to provide a voice to animals who cannot speak up and raise awareness about habitat loss and climate change through the power of a good picture, she said, is what matters most to her.
“I am definitely honored by the acknowledgment, but what is most important to me is this great opportunity,” she said. In order to motivate individuals to take action, we must speak to their hearts and emotions.
Two baby bears playing together
Photo Credits: Daisy Gilardini/(www.daisygilardini.com)
She also took pictures of penguins and bears. Gilardini grew up with a sizable collection of teddy bears and other stuffed animals.
She said, “I was raised in Switzerland at a time when there were no bears to be discovered, yet I never wondered why I loved the bears so much. “People constantly ask me if I’m terrified of bears since I spend so much time photographing them, but in reality, they calm me down.” She replied she had never had a terrible experience with one.
Cute image of mom and daughter bear. Will she fall?
Photo Credits: Daisy Gilardini/(www.daisygilardini.com)
Gilardini began taking pictures of the spirit bears in British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest five years after she migrated to Vancouver. I am completely fascinated by this complicated ecosystem where everything is connected, and I feel incredibly fortunate to be one of the few individuals who have been given the opportunity to observe and photograph it, she added.
She laughed as she claimed that this sleeping bear’s name was Mushroom because of its fondness for being “high on mushrooms.”
Two baby bears playing with a plant. Are they fighting each other claiming this is mine?
Photo Credits: Daisy Gilardini/(www.daisygilardini.com)
“We therefore moved very close; in fact, I could hear his breathing at that distance. The bear didn’t give a damn, yet he occasionally started our way.” Although the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline was recently denied by the federal government, this wasn’t the case when Gilardini took this picture.
They saw the camera and they were posing for the camera. Aren’t they cute?
Photo Credits: Daisy Gilardini/(www.daisygilardini.com)
“As environmental photographers, it is our responsibility to record the beauty of places and animals under danger and to spread awareness through the powerful imagery we produce.” Visit her website to see her other animal photographs if you enjoy photography.
also read :A Gentleman Saves An Old, And Abused Dog No One Else Wanted
Animals are much better than people.
So awesome 💕